Check this out!! Beberapa jurnal ni "mboten" gratis, ni ane kasih gratisannya.. Semoga bisa menambah wawasan qta tentang dunia per-kedokteran gigi-an. Amin..
- osteopetrosis complicated by osteomyelitis of the mandible: a case report including characterization of the osteopetrotic bone
- minimal incison in parotidectomy
- Mandibular Third Molar Removal in young patients: an evaluation of 2 different flap designs. (buat para koas di bagian bedah mulut periode november 2009, jurnal ini yg bakal gw presentasiin)
- mandibular fracture in a premature infant
- juvenile ossifying fibroma of the maxilla
- Inflammatory Implant Periapical Lesion: Etiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment—Presentation of 7 Cases
- Experience versus complication rate in third molar surgery
- Esthetic and Anatomic Basis of Modified lateral rhinotomy approach
- Comparison of Periodontal Inflammatory Disease in Young Adults With and Without Pericoronitis Involving Mandibular Third Molars
- Characteristics of associated craniofacial trauma in patients with head injuries
- changes in mandibular movement and occlusal condition after comservative treatment for condylar fracture
- Autologous Blood Injection for the Treatment of Chronic Recurrent Temporomandibular Joint Dislocation
- a rare case: branchial cleft sinus at the anterior faucial pillar
- Analgesic and anti-inflammatory dose–response relationship of 7.5 and 15mg meloxicam after lower third molar removal: a double-blind, randomized, crossover study
- Analysis of the Collagen I and fibronectin of temporomandibular joint synovial fluid and discs.pdf
- a modified lip split incision
- A comparison of postoperative hypoesthesia between two types of sagittal split ramus osteotomy and intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy, using the trigeminal somatosensory-evoked potential method
- Repair of palatal defect with nasal septal defect
- Reconstruction of orbital wall defects with calcium phosphate cement
- New Technique: Le Fort I Osteotomy for Maxillary Advancement and Palatal Distraction in 1 Stage
- Myokymia (fasciculation) of the tongue as a unique presentation of mucoepidermoid carcinoma
- Multiple Impacted Teeth
- Morsicatio Mucosae Oris—A Chronic Oral Frictional Keratosis, Not a Leukoplakia
Selamat mendownload.. Semoga speed-nya stabil.. hihihihi..